Monday, April 30, 2012

The GW2 BWE Phase One: Character Creation (Charr)

At this point, the Beta Weekend Event allowed creation of a Charr, Human or Norn.  All classes were playable and crafting was present.  This is the first event without an NDA in place so I was actually encouraged by Arenanet to take pictures and video.

I tried out Charr to oblige a friend.  Charr looks like a good race to go with if you really like lore and played the original Guild Wars.  If you didn't play Guild Wars, you aren't going to really be able to follow what is happening in the beginning.

For lack of a better description, Charr are scary racist cat-people who worshiped evil things and cursed one of the three human kingdoms so they could have revenge/take it over.  It's involved and spoiler-tastic if you never played the first game or Eye of the North.

 My rationale was that all Charr are inherently thieves (you know, stealing land and livelihoods and enslaving people in the first game, great moral code!).

Yes, even scary cat-people apparently have body-types/physiques.  I picked a female Charr since there were none in Guild Wars 1...that we know of.

Mine started to get sort of pretty, actually, for an evil cat.

 I think this is the class-related portion of the decisions.  It was tough.

I guess this is sort of like choosing your sub-faction of cat-dom.  I have no idea what this does but presumably it'd shift things like they would if you chose social class as a human.

You actually get to choose your "friend" (sparring partner) with Charr.

I'm assuming that the parentage is like social class modifier #2 or else your "regret" as a human for purposes of personal story.  You are encouraged to hate your dad.

I'm now officially a cat and get to watch the cutscene, which the game apparently allows screenshots of (I only took a couple to test this) - no, that's not my character name above.

Charr are the Ghostbusters of Tyria.  I was born a second ago and I'm already fighting the ghosts of characters from the first game - FML!

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